Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Why Beachbody?

Why Beachbody? Why can't I just go to the gym and workout? Why can't I just do my own thing with other workout programs?

Why? You wouldn't be hear reading this asking me that question if you are already struggling to meet your goal.

First, you can go the gym to workout. I did. Guess what? I reached a plateau because I had no idea what I was doing! I even worked as an employee at the gym! Even if you knew what you were doing with creating workout routines and sticking to it, you get up one morning and say, "I really don't want to go to the gym today." At that point, you start to come up with excuses as to why you don't have to go, then next thing you know, it's the end of the day and you still have not accomplished anything. Now you broke your routine and it's hard to get up and get going the next day and most people don't.

Why can't you do your own thing with other workout programs? Go ahead! Again, you are reading this for a reason because it's hard to keep to a schedule and workout at home alone.

So why join Beachbody? Why not?! Not only does Beachbody have the testimonials out there from REAL people because their programs work, but there is a whole community of people out there wanting to help you reach your goals and MOTIVATE you so you stick with the program. 

Have no idea what you are doing with fitness and nutrition? There are so many recipes out there and each program has a nutrition plan. There are many people in the same boat that you can relate to and keep pushing forward. 

The best part is, all you need to do is find a program that fits you! Do you need help finding the right one? Not a problem! There are so many programs out there that are guaranteed to give you the results you want; whether it be to lose weight, bulk up, tone up, or just join an awesome group of people to talk to!! 

The one thing I hear all the time... "I don't have time." Let me ask you something, do you want to reach your goals? You need to find the time. You would be surprised. 

Quick story.. My husband and I have 3 kids, 3 dogs and a house to care for. Dean goes to work from 7:45am until 4:30 and work that he does take home to work on at night. Then he goes to school from 5:00pm to 9:00pm. This is Monday through Thursday and Saturdays he goes to school 7am to 1pm. On top of that ridiculous schedule, he has to study (he is going to school for accounting and is studying for his CPA). He also has to help me around the house.. We have a decent size yard that takes him forever to mow. That's done on Saturdays. In the midst of all that, he has to play daddy every chance he gets. Our kids are all involved in sports. We are ALWAYS busy!! He makes time in the mornings for his workouts and if he had to miss his workout for whatever reason, he does it at night after the crazy day he had. We make and prepare all of our meals on Sundays as a family thing so we don't have to worry about last minute meal ideas. Why does he do all of this? Because he has a vision of his goals and where he wants to be. 

Again, if you want something bad enough, you can't wait for it to come to you. You have to make it happen. There are a lot of workout programs like the 7 minute trainer that may help to at least get you started.

Another thing I often hear is "I can't afford it."

I don't know about your personal situation, but I know others that have said the same thing and we got them to get started somewhere. First, the programs aren't bad in price. P90X is 3 payments of $39.95 plus shipping. Think of it not as going to the store to purchase something you really don't need. Think of it as your life investment! 

Affording "healthy" food is another one. My husband and I don't have money raining into our house. Nor is it growing on trees in the back yard. He is in school which is expensive. He doesn't get a huge fat paycheck and I don't work. We have 3 kids.. You get the point. We set a budget of how much we can afford. Instead of going out to dinner, we put that money back into our weekly budget. I scan through the ads and find what's on sale and make dinners that way. We buy our meat in bulk at Sam's Club. We eat great food that tastes wonderful on a $50 a week budget. We also are taking Shakeology that even lowers the cost of $50 because it substitutes as a meal every day. 

"How much does it cost for me to have a coach?" Absolutely nothing!!!! This is your journey. I am a coach because I want to spread the word because I have been in your shoes! I was once someone unhappy and miserable...Stressed all the time. Sure, I get stressed with family things, but I bounce back because I have it in me to do it. I'm happy and feel great!! 

So what do you need to get started? A program and the right coach to guide you through it. If you don't want a coach, you don't have to have one. It may be harder for you to find how to get to point A to point B, but everything is up to you. 

If you want me to be your coach, we can start out with a simple phone call so I can understand and get to know you better and understand where you want to be. I can answer all of your questions and get you started in the right direction. 

And remember "It's never a question of can you, but WILL you?"

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