Wednesday, September 19, 2012

P90X French Toast

What If I told you that you don't need to stuff your face anymore with those boring egg whites? I mean unless you like the bland flavor first thing in the morning! Here is a recipe to get some protein and carbs in to start your morning workout..


P90X French Toast!!!

2 slices whole wheat bread
3 egg whites
1/2 cup nonfat milk
1/4 tsp cinnamon (optional)
Pure honey

Heat skillet over medium heat, and spray with nonstick cooking spray. Crack egg whites into medium bowl and mix in milk and cinnamon (if using). Cut the bread slices in half, then dredge each bread slice in egg and milk mixture. I normally leave each slice sitting in the egg mixture for awhile until the bread is soggy and has absorbed as much of the mixture as possible. Fry both sides of each slice until brown. Drizzle with 2 Tablespoons pure honey.
P90x Nutrition Plan Servings:
Full recipe is 1/2 protein serving, 1 carb serving, 1/2 dairy serving, and (if using honey) 1 condiment serving.
P.S. I haven’t tried this, but you could try heating 2 Tb. of jam to see if you could make it more syrup-like for drizzling over your french toast.
P.P.S. I’m pretty sure that I only used 3 egg whites in this, but I can’t find where I wrote it down. If it looks like there’s not enough egg mixture to soak into all four slices, you could crack 3 more egg whites into the bowl and just count this as 1 full protein serving instead of 1/2.

Let me know how you they turn out!!!!

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