
P90X is what changed my life for the better. It opened my eyes to who I was and who I could be. I have struggled with weight in other ways than most. I was "small" and obviously after my pregnancies, depressed and miserable with how I looked and felt. I didn't have the energy to keep up with day to day tasks. The migraines were killing me (or so I felt) and my mood was always not the greatest. P90X changed that. It boosted my energy and built my confidence. I wanted to get up and "Push Play" every day. 

Having decided to attempt P90X, I purchased Bowflex SelecTech 552 Dumbbellsa pull up barexercise bands and a yoga mat with the intent to get started as soon as everything arrived.  The idea of finishing by March seemed appealing. And I did start within a couple of days of receipt of all the materials.

Day 1 wasn't bad. It was Chest and Back followed by Ab Ripper X. Lifting weights was always one of my favorite things to do. I pushed myself and was feeling good that I could actually get through the workout!! Then, the dreaded Ab Ripper X started. I barely made it out alive on that one. Actually I was in such pain that I just laid on the floor and watched the people in the video do it. I was angry at myself thinking, "I'm young so why can't I do this?!"

Day 2 was Plyometrics. I decided to push play and give it another go thinking it wouldn't be as bad as the Ab Ripper X. Let me tell you, jumping and doing weird "cardio" moves is just not my thing. I tried but barely made it half way without stopping and again "watching" Tony Horton do the workout. I was really frustrated and wanted to give up. I thought if I couldn't get through 1 exercise, how will I ever get to where I want to be?! 

I went to bed that night really upset and starting to loose motivation. I got back up in the morning and started researching to see how everyone else makes it through.. The magical answer was PUSH YOURSELF and KEEP GOING! So I did. 

I struggled all week.. Pushups that were once easy, I couldn't do. Pullups? Nope not even one! The following week I kept trying and by the 20th or so day, I could finally complete all of the workouts. I was boosting with energy knowing what I was capable of. Since I have always hated cardio, my husband bought me a treadmill because I knew if I tried hard enough I could find an appreciation for running. I always wanted to, I just hated feeling like I couldn't and it scared me.

By day 45, I was seeing crazy results. My husband even noticed!! I had growing abs, muscle tone in my arms, back and legs. I felt GREAT! And at this point I could run easily on the treadmill for 45 minutes. 

I got awesome results from this program in my eyes after hitting 90 days. Better results then had ever seen working out in a gym or on my own with our bow flex. I would have probably seen better had I followed the nutrition book, but I knew that the nutrition was something I could dig deeper with and really get that on point. I did eat healthy, just didn't follow the portions and ratios as they are described in the nutrition plan. 

Even though P90X is now over, the journey for me has just only begun. Brazil Butt Lift would be my next go to :0)

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