Monday, September 24, 2012

For Woman Who Work Long Hours and Have Little Time to Sleep

Lemons fist grew in India, northern Burma and China. The fruit was known for its antiseptic properties and was used as an antidote for various poisons. It was a common belief that lemons could cure plague, jaundice and malaria and that they were a strong pain reliever. A lemon is rich in vitamins C, A, B, B2 and P. Its consumption stimulates the inner secretory glands, digestion and the liver’s function. Several drops of lemon juice in a glass of water or coffee instantly relieve headache.

A glass of lemon juice a day is strongly recommended for people who work long hours and have little time to sleep as it energizes and strengthens the organism.
Lemon aromatherapy is efficient in the case of systematic headaches, fatigue and problems with concentration and memory. Massages with lemon oil enhance your well-being and are recommended during a cold or a flu.

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