Thursday, November 8, 2012

P90X Round 2!

As many of you know, I have started a second round of P90X. It is crazy of how far I have come since the last round last January. Last year when I first started this (overweight mind you), I couldn't do more than 5 standard pushups let alone even complete other pushups such as military and diamond.... We wont even touch base on the dive bomber pushups!!! It took 45 days for me to even build enough strength to do the workout without modifying every move! I still couldn't do a whole lot of pushups even at that point. Now a little over 9 months later, I had restarted P90X. I am able to do 30 pushups easily in all areas. I have done Insanity, Brazil Butt Lift, TurboFire and a few programs over the summer that I tossed in when I could, and now 70lbs lighter, I am back at my second round of P90X. It has been a long process, but it has become a lifestyle. I have talked to many people who are scared to start a program because they don't think they have the endurance or strength to push through. It's a mindset. I am able to do 30 plus pushups and am only getting stronger now.

The one thing that I can promise is that the challenge groups I run is what helped me start this whole journey. Most think "What can this honestly do to help me?" It has been proven when you surround yourself with like-minded people working towards the same goal, you will keep pushing through. When you have the support and tools to succeed and a coach to help answer your questions and keep you motivated, you can do what you think is the impossible. Am I an expert? No. I worked at a gym for 4 years thinking I knew everything; I didn't. I had no idea what to do with the equipment that was offered to me free of use! After having 3 kids and being a stay at home, I thought it was easy to pop in a program and workout at home. Thing is, nutrition plays a huge role in the weight loss department. It's confusing and frustrating. When I started P90X last year, the only way I got through it was doing a Challenge group to push myself with others and had all the tools available to me on what I was really supposed to be doing.

When I have people come to me saying it's too expensive, it really boggles my mind. How is it expensive? You get the program of your choice, the Shakeology and a club membership to Team Beachbody where you can schedule your workouts and have meal plans created to tailor your needs!! How much would you spend if you were going to go to a gym, pay for a membership, a personal trainer to tell you what to do and a nutritional specialist to create your meals for you?! A lot!! If you didn't go with a personal trainer and a nutritional specialist, you still just paid for a gym membership with a lot of options of equipment, but if you don't know how to use it properly and create a game plan to see results, you aren't going to get very far. The other route is to study and research what to do at the gym, but that's time consuming. If you want to do something now and achieve your goals, this is the best deal for you! Shakeology is something I drink daily. Why? It's the healthiest meal of the day (look at the ingredients), it curves my cravings for sweets and has helped me lose a ton of weight alone!! It comes out to $3 a day (I can help you get the 25% discount) and in all reality, I was paying more for my coffee that I was addicted to and medications I was on in the past for kidney infections and my breakfast alone in the past costed more than $3! I did go on Shakeology at first knowing there was the bottom of the bag guarantee where I could get my money back, but after being on it for months now, I will never consider going off. I hate veggies and this makes the process so much easier because I am getting it in Shakeology! With that being said, the lowest Challenge Pack is $160, look what all you get with that?!

Now back to the programs. When I started last year, I thought I would give it my all for 90 days and if I could reach my goal weight, I would quit and go back to eating whatever I wanted. Obviously that didn't happen because it was a snowball effect on my results and I couldn't stop! I just kept losing more weight and toning in areas that I thought were impossible. Seriously, I had 3 kids!! I never thought I could have the stomach that I have now! I never even thought it was possible to have this stomach in high school! The depression has subsided and I can now run around with my kids and for once be happy with who I am. Isn't that what we all want?!

Again, I'm not an expert and not a personal trainer. All I know is what has worked for me and my progress that I have made with these programs. There are many coaches out there that just want to say they are coaching someone. Not me. I could care less if you buy a program from me. I just want to help you achieve your results and be there as a friend and encourage you every step of the way. I want to make sure whatever workout program you have is not going to end up on the shelf and sit there collecting dust. It's no fun sitting there every day wishing that some magical pill will land in your hands and change your life. If I can do this, so can you! I never thought I could do 30 pushups. I never thought in all honesty I could do 2! If you want my help, you have to let me know so I can talk to you and come up with a solution to get you on the right track.

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