My Story

Hey everyone!! People keep asking me what I am doing with my crazy workouts and recipes for eating clean so I figured I could at least give everyone some insight on who I am, my life and goals for the future.

Being healthy has always been a relatively easy concept for me. I have for the most part tried eating healthy and workout. However, as we all know, life throws obstacles in your path and slows you down. My journey started back when I was 18 and found out I was pregnant with my son. Scared and alone, I got through it and delivered a healthy baby boy. I managed to get a job at a local gym and went to school full time at night. Money was tight and raising a child through those circumstances were hard. I had gained 45 to 50 pounds during my pregnancy and really didn't know what to do to get the weight off. After taking advantage of the fact that I worked in a gym, I slowly got back to my pre pregnancy weight.

By the time my son had turned 20 months, I thought my life was on the right track as I met my future soul mate. Dean and I only knew each other for a week and he left to go to Iraq as a contractor. We hardly talked, but when he came home on RR 4 months later we fell more in love with each other and started talking about getting married!! (Crazy, I know!) He left and went back to Iraq and I continued my journey as a single mom. I slowly started noticing that I was smaller than I was at that point weight wise than I had ever been in high school. It wasn't because I was working out, but because I wasn't eating enough. I started getting severe migraines and was never feeling energized. When Dean came back 4 months since the last time I saw him, we got engaged, moved into a new house and started our lives with getting married just several months later.

Now I am playing wife and mommy. I was happy and no longer stressed. I got comfortable and started putting a few pounds on here and there. It wasn't long though that we found out that I was pregnant with our little girl. Every night, I was sending my poor husband to the store for ice cream and candy bars. I craved greasy fattening foods. I gained yet again, 50 pounds after she was born. At this point, I was forced to quit my job as we couldn't justify me working and paying daycare for 2 kids. The stress started hitting us big time. My husband worked full time and we decided that he needed to go to school to better his career as an Accountant. Totally broke, staying at home full time with the kids, and Dean never being home with work and school, the depression starting kicking in with an overwhelming anxiety feeling. My weight at that point was not a concern to me, yet every time I looked in the mirror I was disgusted.

The migraines starting coming on more and more and lasting for days. Deciding that I needed to do something about this, I started Jillian Michaels and started counting calories but really still eating what I considered healthy. I got my weight back down, but still felt like crap and tired. Every time we turned a corner, life lessons kept smacking us in the face. We tried everything and I thought I found the answer within our financial problems and started couponing. Things started to get better, I got pregnant with our third child then I started eating all the junk food I was getting for free from couponing.

I didn't put on as much weight this time around. But once our son was born, dealing with 3 kids alone proved to be a challenge. I just never had the time to even want to workout. Not to mention the migraines were getting so bad that I was lucky enough to pull through taking care of the kids. The weight started to creep up

                 THE TURNING POINT...............................................................

A friend of ours let us borrow the P90X program later that year. I was commited after seeing all of the youtube videos of real people documenting their results. I tried to follow the diet plan to the best of my knowledge and thought the easiest thing I can do is eat chicken and drink protein shakes. I stuck to the workouts and was amazed at the results in the end. Unfortunetly, I didn't have the before pictures taken because I was too embarrassed and really didn't know if the program would produce the results I wanted. I lost all of my weight and more by day 60. I was so excited!! Following P90X, I attempted insanity and while it was a great workout, I just didn't dedicate myself to it. I hated cardio!! So I switched to Brazil Butt Lift and fell in love with the program. When summer came, I let all my hard work go so I could enjoy being outside with my kids. I still watched what I ate and didn't gain any weight. My husband and I also took the time to remotivate ourselves for the fall to get back into the routines of working out and really started to research BeachBody a little more. It was amazing what we found. We have always wanted to get shakeology as it did wonders for us when we had previously tried it. Problem is we still couldn't afford it. 

Once school started back up this fall, Dean and I were really motivated into starting a program and REALLY get on track with our eating. We both joined challenge groups to get advice. I started with Brazil Butt Lift since I love that workout and followed P90X Fat Shred diet to a T. Dean is doing Body Beast and is getting excellent results even for not doing it that long! Motivated, eating healthy, both of us getting crazy results I am proud to say that shakeology has definitely helped us with our achievements.

 My husband and I both want to spread the word that you can be the person you want to be and it doesn't have to be hard and confusing. We want to relate to people to help them realize that they are not alone and that anything is possible. It's the dedication you put behind it to achieve the results you want. 

Since I started working out and eating healthy, my energy is back and the feeling of being zoned out is gone! For the first time in years, I don't deal with migraines!! If you are wanting to change your life or you have questions about where to begin, please don't hesitate to contact me or Dean.  


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