Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pumpkin Blueberry Cakes and Mini Omelette

   Well I'm back to my pumpkin fetish! I also got a little bored today and wanted to test a few recipes out on my kids!! (love my Guinea Pigs!!) and this one was a big hit! With Thanksgiving being this Thursday, my goal is to eat as healthy as ever and not give into the temptations! This will be on the breakfast list for the morning for my family! 

Whatcha need for the cakes:  

3 egg whites
1/4 cup old fashioned oats
1/8 cup buckwheat (I used Eden Organic Buckwheat, but you can actually make this without the buckwheat.  Just use about another 1/4 cup oats instead).  
1/4 cup canned pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling!)  
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice (more or less to taste)
1/2 tsp good quality 2x strength vanilla extract (or 1 tsp regular strength)
2 - 3 droppers liquid Vanilla Stevia (or plain, just add a bit more vanilla then)
dash cinnamon

First, blend your oats and buckwheat (or just oats) into flour.  I used a simple Bullet blender to do this.  I left it slightly chunky, cuz’ that’s just how I do : )

Lightly spray your pan with spray oil and pre-heat it on med to med high heat.  

Put your freshly made flour in a bowl and mix in 3 egg whites, your canned pumpkin, blueberries, spice, vanilla, Stevia and cinnamon.  Beat together well with a fork.  

Pour your mixture onto your pre-heated pan and cook both sides until lightly brown and cake is firm in the center.  

Makes 2 cakes.  

Whatcha need for the mini omelette:

1 egg white
handful spinach
green chili 

I had an egg white left over so I made a mini omelette with it.  Preheat your pan (lightly sprayed with spray oil).  Plop in your lonely egg white.  Toss a handful spinach in and throw a few tablespoons green chili in there and fold it in half and call it an omelette.  Easy peasy.  Feel free to adjust amounts as needed based on your macros!  

Nutrition Info for whole meal:  
Calories: 250
Carbs:  38
Fat:  2
Protein: 19

End Result:

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