Join the Beachbody Challenge

What is the Beachbody Challenge Group and how will I benefit?

What is the Beachbody Challenge group?  This is a group of 5-6 people that I coach in a EXCLUSIVE and private facebook group.  You will get DAILY coaching, motivation, and support from me.  You will workout FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME and the daily coaching from me is FREE.   You will only be allowed in one of these groups if you are 100% committed to :
1.) Your fitness program of choice
2.) Nutrition (Shakeology)
3.) Helping motivate the others in the group.  Posting in group daily.
 You WILL get results like these others from our team if you make this commitment.
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 Challenge Group Testimonial

291906 276580805709905 1557931523 n 199x300 What is the Beachbody Challenge  What is a Challenge Group“As you know the P90X program is one I have done in the past but never finished. I’m loving this support system. It makes me feel accountable and I am more consistent with my nutrition and exercise. This time I know I am going to finish it! Did I tell you my brother in law is doing the workouts with me? He was over weight, sporting “the gut” and now I can see it disappearing! He doesn’t have Facebook or a computer to work with so I didn’t tell him about the challenge group… but I am holding him accountable (we are in it together since day one of your challenge group), he hasn’t missed a workout! I can definitely see a positive change in him! He had medical depression and would always sleep and not do anything for himself, always feeling negative… and I can’t tell you how much of a change I’m seeing in him. Even my sister tells me he is much more active around the house and he seems to have a better spirit and outlook! He hasn’t taken measurements or weighed himself since the initial weight and measurements but today is the day he’s gonna measure and weigh himself… I can’t wait for the results dude! I know he’s lost about 20-30 pounds just by looking at him. As you can probably tell, I am more excited about his results than about mine. It reminds me of your starfish story. “It mattered to that one!”. What you do, your progress not only financially but also physically and mentally, is a true motivation for me. Thank you.” Jazi Vega

How will this save me money?

When you buy a Challenge Pack you save money and get free shipping!

A coach membership will get 25% off on all your Beachbody purchases including SHAKEOLOGY!

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Click to sign up as a coach with a Challenge Pack and have your fee waived

Please watch this short video clip about Shakeology


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