Thursday, November 8, 2012

Lean European Cheesecake

Lean European Cheesecake

- add some fruits like raspberries (see pic above) or some pineapple
- add 25- 35g of coconut oil to the bottom to give it a more firm bottom and to add some extra healthy fats (mct's)

Ingrediƫnts (6 large servings):
- 750 g white yogurt chees / Quark cheese (low fat)
- 120 g All Bran plus
- 50 g nuts (I prefer hazel nuts)
- 10 g of gelatin leaves
- stevia (sweetner)

- take a spring for cake form
- cut a piece of baking paper as the size of your spring form
- put the baking paper on the bottom, you can spray a little bit of cooking spray at the bottom so you baking paper will stick to it
- put the all bran plus and nuts in the bleder and blend it in to little pieces
- put the blended mass in the springform cake, distribute and push it down on the bottom so it is solid

-take a little bit of water (room temperature) and put in the gelatin leaves for +- 5minutes (softening it)
- boil some water (+- 150 g ml of water)
- when the water boiles take of the fire
- take the softened gelatin leaves, squeeze out the water
- add the gelatin leaves to the boiled water and stir

- take a large bowl
-put in the white yogurt cheese or quark cheese (low fat), add some sweetner (like stevia) and the water with the dissolved gelatin leaves
- mix it al together

- distribute the filling on to the bottom
- put in the refrigerator for at least two hours

- take of the springform cake and divide in 6 pieces

Nutritional facts (1serving):
Energy: 194kcal
Protein: 17g
Carbohydrates: 17g (sugars 6 g)
Fat: 7 g
Fiber: 6 g

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