Monday, November 12, 2012

One Minute Pancake

Everyone keeps asking me for some more microwave recipes... Here is one I tried this morning as my pans were dirty and I was in no mood to do dishes straight out of bed!!! So I popped this sucker in the microwave and it worked!!

One Minute Pancake (Gluten Free)


 (= 1 serving = 5 little pancakes):
- 1 banana
- 1 egg
- cinnamon


- Mix all ingredients

- heat up a pan (or pop in the microwave)
- make 5 pancakes
- bake each side a few minutes

Nutritional facts (1 serving = 5 little pancakes):
energy: 213 cal
protein: 8 g
carbohydrates: 35 g (sugar: 29 g (from banana)

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