Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Banana Protein Fluff

Banana Protein Fluff with Coconut Extract, Cinnamon and Pecans

I've come to really like the idea of freezing fruit with different kinds of extracts/essences. This time I sliced my banana and added a tbsp of coconut extract to the bag in which I froze banana in. When ready to fluff, I just blended the banana (onto which the coconut extract had frozen) with almond milk and vanilla protein pow. Result? Amaazing! Especially topped with cinnamon and (mmm) pecans!

1/2 cup of milk (I used almond but any will do)
1 sliced banana
1 tbsp of coconut extract
1.5 scoops of vanilla protein powder

Directions: freeze the sliced banana and, when frozen, blend it with the milk until it forms a mush. Then, whisk it (with an electric mixer) for 5 minutes with the powder.

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