Sunday, October 28, 2012

P90X Hot Diggity Dawgs

P90X Hot Diggity-Dawgs

Who knew that hot dogs, potatoes, and cheese could constitute health-food?! 

  • 2 turkey dogs
  • 1 red 2″ x 4-3/4″ potato
  • 1 slice (or 3/4 oz. shredded) reduced-fat cheese
  • just enough milk to cream potato

Boil turkey dogs. Slice and cube tater, boil like you were gonna make mashed potatoes. When potatoes are finished, drain and mash addin just enough milk to cream them. Slice turkey dogs down the middle. Add a small line of ketchup. Add a spoonful of creamed potatoes. Add cheese. Put in oven to melt cheese, and enjoy.
P90x Nutrition Plan Servings:
2 protein, 1 carb, 1 dairy, 1/2 condiment”
** I did have my concerns about the use of hot dogs in this recipe, until I did a little research and discovered that turkey dogs receive the Beachbody stamp of approval if you make sure to choose turkey dogs with “low levels of fat, low sodium, and a list of ingredients you recognize.” Also, make sure the dogs you choose come in at under 100 calories each so that they constitute a single protein serving. Also, in the name of reducing your intake of highly processed foods like hot dogs, I would make this more of a treat than an everyday thing. Part of me thinks that whatever the article says, Tony would cry if he heard you were eating hot dogs every day. lol!

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