Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bacon Wrapped Chicken P90X Style

My son had a soccer game this morning, and man was it cold out!! I am really not looking forward to this winter stuff at all. I appologize for not getting on here and adding more recipes lately, but I have been out sick along with my kids!! Soooo here is something I am making today

Bacon Wrapped Chicken P90X Style :)

1 package chicken drumsticks (mine had 11 drumsticks in it and weighed in at around 3 lbs), with skins removed
1 package turkey bacon
Doubled delicious chicken marinade recipe from the Bacon Wrapped Chicken Shish Kabobs
Meat thermometer

At least a half hour before you want to start cooking, place marinade ingredients and chicken drumsticks in a plastic bag. While the meat is marinating, boil water in a saucepan and boil bacon for 5 minutes (this helps it crisp up more under the broiler). Fire up the broiler on High (or you could use the grill). Wrap each chicken drumstick with a strip of bacon over the meatiest part, and secure with a toothpick. Line pan with foil for easier cleanup, arrange drumsticks on a platter, and make sure your oven rack is at least 8 inches from the heat source. Broil breasts for 15 minutes, flip them, pour remaining marinade over the meat, then broil for 15 more minutes. Watch carefully in those last 5 minutes, as broilers burn easily. Stick one with a meat thermometer to make sure it reads at least 180 degrees F.
P90x Nutrition Plan Servings
1 protein serving per drumstick.
P.S. This is a great make-ahead protein source for you folks who want to do your cooking in bulk over the weekend.
P.P.S. I understand that many of you will have trouble respecting me after that bacon haiku. I’m willing to take the risk. BACON. ;-P

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