Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Beachbody Challenge ~90 Days until the New Year New You Challenge!

I want to take the time for 2 more shout outs to my girls that just completed my TurboFire Challenge! Both drank Shakeology each day and followed the nutritional plan!

“Thank you so much for helping me! The Challenge Group is exactly what I needed to get the motivation and finish strong in the program!” ~Lina

This is one turbo Mom! Kelly C. who lost 101 lbs with Turbo Fire and Shakeology. "After the birth of my daughter and postpartum depression, I found myself at my highest weight, over 250lbs! My entire body hurt and I needed to change not only for me, but my daughter. The last thing I wanted was for her to grow-up thinking it was normal to hate the way you look. Shakeology made a world of difference. No doubt, it was one of the keys to my wearing a bikini for the first time in my life!" 

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