Friday, September 28, 2012

Team Beachbody Coaches in Canada Oct 1st!


It has been officially announced that beginning on OCTOBER 1st, Canadian residents can become TEAM BEACHBODY COACHES!!! This is something all of us have been waiting a very long time for, and I am excited to be able to extend this life-changing opportunity to my Canadian team members.
Are you READY to become a FOUNDING COACH in Canada and join my team of Team Dynasty coaches?

  • How it works: Beginning on October 1st, Canadian residents can sign up to become US Team Beachbody coaches! Because the legalities of the Provincial licenses are still being worked out, as a part of this special Pre-launch program, the business will initially be a US-based business, and will be transitioned seamlessly once the final agreements are in place (expected in 2013). All sales and commissions will be made in US dollars. It is the responsibility of the Canadian coach to report their earnings to Canadian taxing authorities, just as US coaches must do with the IRS.
  • What about the Beachbody programs being sold in retail stores in Canada?  - More good news. The price of Beachbody fitness programs such as P90X, Insanity, and TurboFire at Canadian retail locations will actually be HIGHER than the price someone who purchases the same product through a Canadian Team Beachbody Coach! In addition, Beachbody will now be including inserts in these retail boxes at stores like Wal-Mart in Canada encouraging people to register for a free Team Beachbody account to get a Coach to help them with their new program. The other good news is that while Beachbody is fulfilling their contracts to sell products at these retail locations, they are also reserving the right to withdraw the programs from retail locations if they feel it is slowing the growth of the network in Canada. Good news for everyone!
  • What are the “rules”? - Pretty simple really:
  • You will not be able to “re-sell” Beachbody fitness programs or Shakeology. Your customers will order products through their account, and you will receive the credit and commissions as their Coach in US dollars.
  • You will NOT be able to advertise the Canadian coaching opportunity or hold Opportunity presentations. You WILL, however, be able to run fit clubs, create Beachbody Challenge groups, and sign other Canadian friends and family as founding coaches on your team.
  • AWESOME! What do I do next? - I am already compiling a list of people interested in this ground-breaking opportunity so that I can get them up and running as quickly as possible! If you would like to become a Founding Team Beachbody Coach in Canada, EMAIL ME at or send me a message on Facebook so that I can add you to my list and let you know as SOON as the sign-up is available on October 1, 2012!

This is going to be a great opportunity for all Canadian's so Sign up here now and get your business going!!!!!!!!

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